Organizational and Team Development

Organizational and Team Development

We believe in your company´s ability to learn, its willingness to perform and power of innovation. Let´s find out your future potential together!

Eye on the Future?!

Eye on the Future?!

„You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Richard Buckminster Fuller

New Work, Agility, Digitalization…

We live in exciting times with fundamental changes for employees and companies challenging us – but also allowing us to grow and develop by offering up many new opportunities. Today we shape the business world of tomorrow.

Recruiting, keeping and developing of personnel has become highly relevant for organizations and companies. The ability for innovation and adaptability has become a key qualification for all employees. For those working in Human Resources that means motivating all of the people involved towards enabling open-minded and continuously learning organizations, to make use of the opportunities, digitalization has to offer and to completely rethink working culture and cooperation.

I want to talk to you about Change as well, but beyond that I want to support and guide you in a very practical way towards developing a genuine and modern culture of progress, that inspires employees and makes the best possible use of all digital and innovative resources when meeting market demands.

Key Point Organizational Development

Simple solutions will not suffice in meeting complex challenges. Therefore, we will support you with the following

  • Counselling: What is to be done? What is a viable and sensible way in this specific situation?
  • Surveys and Analyses: How prepared is your organisation for the digitalization process? How do the employees view the current working climate? What is possible? What does this entail for your talent management?
  • Conducting: strategy and vision development, roadmaps, development of guiding principle(s), change boards…
  • Support with the implementation of culture-building measures: Design Thinking, introduction of user generated content on learning platforms, Kanban-Boards, Work-out-Loud-groups…
  • Qualifications: modern leadership, agile methods, transparent team organization, New Work…
  • Assessment and Analysis-Tools: What is the status quo of our leadership personnel?

Key Point Team Development

When everyone involved enjoys working together as a team, ideas for viable solutions are generated easily together and the results are there to prove it, there should be hardly any fluctuation. We are specialists when it comes to developing a team and we would very much like to bring in all of our expertise and our tools in improving the cooperation within your team. Our offer:

  • Counselling: What could be possible reasons for distrust among the team members, of bad air or tensions, a lack of taking responsibility etc.? What does the team need?
  • Analyses and Feedback-Workshops: survey team analysis, diagnosis of roles within the team, group-dynamic-check, survey-feedback-workshops…
  • Conducting: team development, conflict workshops, feedback process, agile team control…
  • Qualification: team development as leadership task, team role distribution, group dynamic…

Key Point Leading Person within Change

If changes are to successfully take effect, it is important to strengthen those, who have the greatest influence on their implementation. We offer:

  • Counselling: coaching of Change agents, coaching of managing directors and leadership personnel in change projects, counselling personnel developers
  • Analyses: competency assessment, Change-Type tests, …
  • Qualifications: leadership in change, change-management-qualification, management tools, …
  • Assessment: determining the current status of managment personnel, …

How can we support you?

Tough questions need careful answers and thought-out measures – Talk to us!